Trevor Jones  BSc (hons) MBA ADAEP


Applied Equine Podiatrist & Hoofcare Educator


My Services

My Services

I am able to provide a  range of professional services to meet  you and your horses needs,  am happy to liase with your veterinarian, farrier and other equine professionals to provide an environment conducive to healing for  your horse.

Trevor Jones

Initial Consultation

An  initial consultation involves evaluation of everything that effects the environment of the horse from turnout, to bedding and diet. Then follows gait analysis and physical evaluation of the horse, including any details of lameness history. A usability score is established for the feet, this involves physical observation and  hoof tester evaluation and  keeps the horse safe throughout the rehabilitation process. The horse is then trimmed using the HPT Method and soundness post trim evaluated. A treatment program for conditioning and maintenence of the feet is provided.

Initial Consultation Price   £70.00*

Regular Consultation

Regular follow up consultations ensure the progress of the rehabilitation process, allowing for regular adjustments to the conditioning programme as usability score increases. Follow up consultations involve gait analysis, usability rating, application of the HPT Method and a full revision of recommendations. The frequency of visits is usually between 3 and 6 weeks depending on the severity of pathology and seasonal growth variation. I am available at all times should the treatment programme require revison, or should the owner have any questions or concerns. 

Regular Consultation Price £55.00*

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Virtual Consultation

If due to geographical constraints I am unable to consult directly, I can consult virtually via telephone, email and Zoom and offer my professional advice on any case globally. I am happy to work with your own hoof care practitioner, physiotherapist and veterinarian to assist in the rehabilitation of your horse. This facility also allows me to assist exsisting local clients should they require assistance between consultations.

Virtual Consultation Cost £38.00 / 30 minutes

  * Price may vary, dependent on size of horse and severity of pathology . Travel expenses are  in addition and are calculated on a case by case basis.

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